Tag Archives: biomethane

LignoSys at Swedish Energy Agency Programme Conference

Jörgen Held presented the LignoSys project at the Swedish Energy Agency Programme Conference, 29-30 November, 2017 in Eskilstuna.

The participant list included 50+ researchers presenting their projects within the Biofuels Programme. Projects related to both bio- and thermochemical conversion routes were presented.

Several presentations were related to bioSNG (biomethane through gasification and methanation) and it’s evident that the interest for biomethane is increasing. The high conversion efficiency, the low emissions and the cost competitiveness compared to other second generation biofuels are factors in favour of bioSNG.

Project meeting at Lund University

The integration of an amine scrubber for CO2 removal with the WoodRoll® system was discussed in a meeting on the 14th of October at Lund University.


From left: Johanna Olofsson, Lund University, Max Strandberg, Puregas Solutions AB and Marko Amovic, Cortus Energy AB.
Photo: Jörgen Held

The WoodRoll® process produces a clean syngas that after methanation consists of roughly 50% methane and 50% carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide has to be removed in order to achieve biomethane of vehicle fuel quality. Nice features of the thermochemical conversion path are the absence of hydogen sulfide since sulphur is removed upstream of the methanation reactor, and that the methanation process provides sufficient heat for regeneration of the scrubber liquid.

LignoSys at EBA conference – Ghent, Belgium

The biennial European Biogas Association conference took place 27-29 September 2016 in Ghent, Belgium.


Jörgen Held gave a presentation on Biomethane production through thermochemical conversion of biomass and waste. The presentation included information about WoodRoll® which is one of the conversion technologies that is studied within LignoSys as well as a link to the LignoSys project.

Since several of the project partners were present at the conference an informal update of the project progress was provided by the project coordinator.